What courses do you get with the Compliance Training Centre?

01 July 2024

Our course list spans across the full spectrum of workplace compliance, safety and relevant business and professional development topics.
♣ Minimum compliance standards
♦Legal obligation
- NES and minimum employment entitlements (Part 1) | Manager ♣
- NES and minimum employment entitlements (Part 2) | Manager ♣
- Award classifications | Manager ♣
- Wage compliance | Manager ♣
People management
- Termination without tears | Manager
- Performance management for success | Manager
- Australian privacy principals in the workplace | Manager ♣
- Discrimination and equal opportunity – a guide for employers | Manager
- Discrimination and equal opportunity – a guide for employees | Employee ♣
- A manager’s guide to handling grievances | Manager
- Disciplinary process (Part 1) | Manager
- Managing disciplinary review processes (Part 2) | Manager
- Effective absence management | Manager
- HR essentials (Part 1) | Manager
- HR essentials (Part 2) | Manager
- Managing difficult employees in the workplace | Manager
- Management workplace restructure and redundancy | Manager
- Introduction to appropriate workplace behaviour | Employee ♦
- Prohibiting sexual harassment in the workplace | Employee ♦
- Positive duty to eliminate sex discrimination | Employee ♦
- Hostile work environments | Employee ♦
- Reducing the risk of sexual harassment | Employee ♦
- Preventing workplace bullying | Employee ♦
- Understanding the impact of sexual harassment and bullying | Employee ♦
Bullying and harassment
- Bullying and harassment in the workplace – a guide for employees | Employee
- Bullying and harassment in the workplace – a guide for employers | Employer
Workplace Health & Safety
- Safety awareness and creating a safety culture | Manager ♦
- WHS for managers and supervisors | Manager ♦
- WHS for officers | Officer ♦
Interested in seeing the Compliance Training Centre in action? Request a demo today!